Gifts Offered (so far)
With more to come!!
Acupuncture with Barbara Wilt
The Beginners Guide to Wailing, Wilding, Grieving and Euphoria with Deb Root and Teo Weiss
Contact Improv Class and Jam with Kalima Rose
Dance Workshop with Patrick and Kat Reeves
Hand on Heart Ritual with Richard Applegate
Heart Circle with Richard Applegate
Herbal Infusions for Deep Nourishment with Ami Wruck
KundaliniSong, with Gwen Jensen
Mask Making Table! Bring some supplies if you have them!
Movement Games and A discussion on community living with Michael Jacob
Movement, Dance, Rhythm And Improv Vocalizing with Gwen Jensen
Mushroom Foray (psychedelic and culinary) with Teo Weiss and Gwen Jensen
Practicing Presence,
Cultivating self awareness, connection and joy! with Kimjoy Monser and Patrick Reeves
Tools for Wellness and Resilience in a Changing and Challenging World with Ami Wruck
Window Into Your Soul's Journey , Art Class with Margarette Salmond
Here is what will be offered so far in 2023. More on the way! I will keep you posted.
Reading of the Radiant Sutras with Deena Berens
Poetry, Writing and Sharing with Kristy Hellum
Contact Improv Exercises with Michael Jacob
DJ Dancing with Lisa Rost
DJ Dancing with Kat Reeves
Partner Dancing for Connection with Patrick Reeves
Improv Vocalizing with Gwen Jensen
Kiddulting, Relearning to Play with Chelsea Xoxo
Partner Presence Practices,
Cultivateing self awareness, connection and joy! with Kimjoy Monser
Radical Tenderness with Deb Root
How do we "Tend" to ourselves through portals of sound/vocalizing, movement, music, stillness...An invitation for raw tender edges & humanness
Yamuna Body Rolling with Jacque Benton
Using Yamuna Balls for Myofacial release
Demonstrate acupressure neck and shoulder release, with Candace Fox
Working in pairs, hands on.
Music with Copperwoman
Music with Chris Bramble
Collage/Vision boards with Margarette Salmond
Shamanic Drum circle with Deer
Body Positive Yoga Class with Meka
Cancer Speaks with Deb Root
Circle Song with Copperwoman
Hawaiian Basket Weaving with Katrina Weaver
Heart Circle with Deb Root
Interactive Games, with Michael Jacob
Kirtan, cooking and emotional healing with Sarab Khurana
KundaliniSong with Gwen Jensen
The Mystery of Money, Shifting Beliefs and Patterns with Bill McMillan and Jane Sheppard
Radiant Sutras and Sacred Poetry, with Deena Maenad
Sage, with Rick Hull
The Art of Hugging, Sensual Embodiment with Kimjoy Monser
"Touch the Earth" A gathering for truth telling in the time of Anthropocene to unburden ourselves and reclaim our sense of belonging as earth angels. We use the medicine wheel, drawing, watercolor, movement, voice and poetry to revitalize and reconnect to the one heart. with Michael Zieve
Trauma oil: 80% organic arnica, 20% wild crafted St. John’s solar infused in organic almond oil. Unscented, ready to customize with EOs. By Amanda Gard
Yoga and Drumming with Jane Preston
Yoga and Meditation with Zoe Hunt
Zero Waste Medicine Basket, making eco-bricks from single use plastics with Mori Natura
Here is what will be offered so far in 2019.
Body work, Shiatsu on floor or table western modalities blended with acupressure,
with Ruthie Saia
Cell Phone Photography: tricks of the trade, with Robert Vente
Deep Dive: getting to the bottom of grief, with Sherry Glasier
Dream catching: make your own dream catcher for all age, with Kirsty Shelton
Embroidery, with Alice Crumrin
Games, with Nonae Sears
Healing through Wanting, with Tom Swindell
Interactive Games, with Michael Jacob
KundaliniSong, with Gwen Jensen
Live music and drumming, with Jane Preston
Live music, with Elise the Beast
Loving Your Watershed, with Kim Trippsmith
"Magic Shop" Theater Improv, with Bob Engle
Men's Circle, with Colin Crumrine
Presence in Finance discussion group, with Andra Grossman
Radiant Sutras and Sacred Poetry, with Deena Maenad
Songwriting Activism, with Kim Trippsmith
Sage, with Rick Hull
The Art of Hugging, a practice in presence with Kimjoy Monser
Wilding ~ an exploration and expression of authentic, wild, untamed, raw voice. Blending, toning & sounding with some instruments, we will explore what is moving in your body ~ what is being touched~ what wants to be expressed, with Deb Root
Wim Hoff inspired Breath Work with cold plunge, with Tom Swindell
Window Stars and Origami Trees for kids (and maybe some big kids), with Kim Aronsen
Vision Board, with Margarette Salmond
Yoga, with Jane Preston
And a special shout out to Deb Root, Kimjoy Monser and Patrick Reeves for all your organizing help!
Body Percussion, with Deb Root
Bodywork, several types by several people
Breast Health Massage with Sherri Nelsen
Business Consultation with Marc Dellorco
CircleSong with Copperwoman
Collaging with Debbie Ezersky and Karla Fittipaldi
Crone Wisdom with High Crone Jill
Discussions on Intentional Communities with Michael Jacob and Denise Meier
Dream Catchers, creating with Trinity Domino
Ecstatic Dance and Poetry with Lisa Rost as Dj!
Five Tibetan Rites with Sherlee George
Games...Big Picture, Apples to Apples and more
Gifting Circle with Seawitch Trish Gallager
Heart Circle and Energy Work with Richard Applegate
Intentional Prayer Ceremony
Interactive Games with Nonae Sears
Knife Sharpening Class- we all need this simple skill and I make it easy & fun! Bring a knife if you like. With Bibiana Love
KundaliniSong with Gwen Jensen
Laughter Yoga and Hasya Vinyasa with Monnet Zubieta
Morning Kirtan with Bluesky
Music/Sound with Handpan and more with Deb Root
Music/Sound with flute and drums with Ananda Coffman
Music/Sound with Spruce Hauschildt
Open Your Throat Chakra and Find Your Authentic Voice with Gwen Jensen
Qi Gong, Ming Tang's Lift chi up, pour chi down with Kelly Costa
Radiance Sutras readings to music with Deena Berens
Rune Making with Dorthy Morgan
Sacred Smoke, and make an herbal smoking blend with Beth Krow
Sage Smudging with Rick Hull
Shakti Poppin' Sound Healing
​St. Brigid's Cross class, a weaving project with Katie Phillips
Sovereign Breathwork practice with Maggie Ostara
Sweat Lodge with Whitewolf Switzer, CMT, RPP
Tarot readings to activate your dream life With Amity Hotchkiss
Theater Improv - Psychodrama with Bob Engel
The Art of Hugging, a practice in presence with Kimjoy Monser
Transformation through healing our stories with Leo Horthy
Vocal &/or Comedy Improv with Mary J. Criquet
Waking the Buddha in the 21st Century with Will
Watsu (we have a very large hot tub!) with Mathew George
Wild Mushroom Identification and hike, We can share our delectable edibles with the cook for dinner! with Teo Weiss
Yoga, with Molly Rinaldi
A big thank you to the sweet set up and organization helpers Kimjoy Monser and Patrick Reeves
And a super big gratitude to Shyla Guarkee and Kieth Guarkee for the farm fresh meats and the outstanding way you feed us all!
For the kids:
Games, Treasure Hunts and Art with Terri Jensen and Jill Devou
Movie night, set up by Katie Phillips
​Appalachian mountain dulcimer music and lessons
Art Classes
Ayurvedic Support
Brigid Ritual of Hope and Healing Honoring the Goddess Brigid. A ritual of Cleansing and renewal, Honoring the Hope and the Light of Spring. Taking a look deep into the Well of Wholeness and cradling the Divine within Sacred Circle with Hummingbird
Biodanza with Zora Coeur de Roy and DJ dance party!
Check out her website at
Bodywork, several types
Zine Making with Liza Skully
Breast Health Massage! By Sherri Nelsen
Cancer Doula Education with Jen Van Pelt
Crone Wisdom with High Crone Jill
Empowerment Improvisation! By Sherry Glasser
Foot baths
Grounding meditation to heal the body
Handpan sound healing with Deb Root
Kirtan, early morning
Kundalini Song with Gwen Jensen
Lomi Lomi
Love and libido (for women only)!
Mushroom I.D. hike
New games, adventure programming session
Poi, healing for mind and soul! By Loreta Flemingaite
Raw Honey
Sacred foot baths! by Bibiana Love
Shakti Poppin' Sound Healing
Somatic/Yoga exploration
Tibetan Rites
Tuning the Chakras through voice! By Linda Moody
Walking the labyrinth .. pre history and history of labyrinth and meditations
Watsu (we have a very large hot tub!)
Yoga, and more yoga!
And more coming!!