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KundiLight Productions Presents

Medicine Basket

A celebration of divine exploration and expression
Jan 30 - Feb 2
Please join us at
Saratoga Springs Retreat Center

 Medicine Basket awaits you. 

Gather in radical community. 

Contribute and receive.

Be your fullest self. 

Bring your gifts and your passion. Together we are powerful!  


Gather with a powerful group of individuals. Together we walk the path

of divine awareness through focus, passion and play.

Share who you are and what you love in sangha and community.


We will have classes, art supplies, discussion groups, walks, fire circle, music, ritual and so much more all offered and shared by the richness of the community.

What would you like to offer?

The Gifting

We are all teachers, givers, healers and activists. 

This is a peer-led gathering, everyone is offering to the community. 

Challenge yourself with something new or rest into something you already know.  Simple or complex, all gifts are awesome!


Be bold! Express yourself!




Yoga class, dance class, improv class, art class, or just art supplies laid out and tended to. Music, music class. Snacks, deserts, specialty drinks. Herb walk, herb class, mushroom walks.  Body work, healing sessions, somatics, tarot, psychic sessions. Kava ceremony, cacao ceremony, ritual. Discussion groups, game groups. Be the EMT, child activities. Self healing and deep rest are equally important gifts to community!   Helping with set up and/or breakdown,

(very important gifts!!)   What is your passion? Get creative! Try something new or gift something tried and true!


And times in life, self healing and deep rest are the most important gift you can give to the well being of the entire community!


Also, as a community I am asking for help in 2 areas, we all clean up together and that every attendee join the dishwashing (or kitchen help) team for two meals. (sign ups on site)

There is a fantastic dishwashing room and we have so much fun doing it!!


The Venue

We gather at the sweetest site with plenty of indoor spaces 

so the weather can do as it pleases. 

The lodge has a wood stove, couches and tables.

The dance/yoga room space has a heated wood floor.  

We have dorm rooms and cabins, a medicine yurt, fire pit, labyrinth and 260 acres of land to get lost, and get found again. 

There is an extra large hot tub and a cold swimming pool. 

The place is beautiful!

30 miles east of Ukiah Ca

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The Site


Organic meals served each day. With vegan, vegetarian, gluten free and dairy free options. 

Starting lunch on Friday through Lunch on Sunday


Pricing is sliding scale.

We are dependent on the majority of people to pay at the top or close to the top of the sliding scale.  

The lower ends are there for people who truly are low income.  

Rising costs are real for all of us. And it takes a village!

Thank you!!


Beds will be available on a first come first serve basis.  If you’re picky, get there early.

People do, and can, save beds for others.

There are single rooms and dorm style rooms in the lodge, the yurt and in the cabins.

All bedding is provided by Saratoga Springs.


Arrival  as early as  10:00am on your first day

 Departure by 3:00  on your final day




Vending will be available on Saturday.  A small amount of indoor space and  plenty of covered outdoor space is available for vending, again, first come first served.  There will be a 10%  of sales charge for vending.

About us

About Us


Gwen has worked as an integral part of the Northern California Women’s Herbal Symposium from its inception 34 years ago, playing a variety of roles from site manager, organizer to teacher.  For years women from that community have been wanting to gather together in the winter.  Hence, the birth of Medicine Basket which will be including our sons, brothers, fathers and other beloved men in our community.


About Gwen

Gwen utilizes sound, light languages of healing and channeling to navigate the vast inner realms of consciousness and opens the doorway for others to explore the healing that comes with this deep exploration.


Gwen has been a student of Kundalini energy for more than 10 years, working both privately and in a variety of groups. Through her deep kundalini meditation practice she has gained invaluable insights into working effectively and safely with this energy. She has learned vital skills in navigating and utilizing the heightened energetic sensitivities, which come from increased Kundalini energy.


12 years ago Gwen experienced a Kundalini Awakening crisis, a state of enhanced energetic awareness and sensitivity without stability, clarity or understanding.  This led her on a powerful personal journey of integration and deep self-exploration with this potent work. She now works with others, assisting and supporting their journey of opening, assimilation and integration of energetics using visionary journey work for those seeking divine union.  Also drawing on her 25 years experience as a hands on body worker and energetic practitioner.


Contact Gwen Jensen


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